27 d’abril 2024, dissabte
setmana 17, dia de l'any 118
Sants del dia:
  • Sant Antem
  • Sant Càstor
  • Sant Esteve
  • Santa Hosanna
  • Sant Jaume
  • Sant Joan
  • Santa Meruvina
  • Mare de Deu de Montserrat
  • Sant Reinald
  • Sant Teodor
  • Sant Teòfil
  • Sant Tertul·lià
  • Santa Zita
  • 10 març » Sant Caius hOly11Ns, m�rtir

    També anomet/da: xlqGvoYMt

    Hi!There's a little typo in this page.The gnrteaeed DNS names should start with upperbase B like in B-ae2866398fd1d4c0d35343e8464a5258.iso6523-actorid-upis.sml.peppolcentral.org .I know that DNS does not care, but just to be precise and follow the spec //Philip


    Hi!There's a little typo in this page.The gnrteaeed DNS names should start with upperbase B like in B-ae2866398fd1d4c0d35343e8464a5258.iso6523-actorid-upis.sml.peppolcentral.org .I know that DNS does not care, but just to be precise and follow the spec //Philip


    Hi!There's a little typo in this page.The gnrteaeed DNS names should start with upperbase B like in B-ae2866398fd1d4c0d35343e8464a5258.iso6523-actorid-upis.sml.peppolcentral.org .I know that DNS does not care, but just to be precise and follow the spec //Philip

    Potser estàs buscant...

    Vols dir quelcom d'aquest sant?